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Bank Safe: What to do if you’re a Victim of Fraud

If you or a loved one is a victim of fraud, don’t stress out just yet. Here is a guide of what to do if you’re a victim of any type of fraud:

The first thing you need to do if you see any sort of suspicious fraudulent activity is to contact us immediately. Please place a call to our dedicated customer care team at: (888) 733-5041. Just a reminder, Equity Bank does not de-activate or activate 3rd party software, including but not limited to: Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, PayPal, Venmo and more. If you receive a phone call and are in any doubt, please hang up and call Customer Care directly.

Next, update your online banking login information. Here are some helpful suggestions while creating a new password for your accounts.

  • Update your login ID: Settings>Security Preferences>Change Login ID.
  • Choose longer passwords, such as a phrase rather than a single word
  • Use a mix of upper and lowercase letters
  • Include numbers and special characters
  • Avoid common sequences, such as “1234”
  • Avoid using personal information, such as your name, pets’ names, date of birth, etc.
  • Don’t store your login details in your online banking or mobile app
  • Don’t write passwords on the back of debit or credit cards or keep them in your wallet
  • Review your security alerts. Some security alerts have been turned on by default, but there are additional security alerts that you can select to receive. Update your alerts by clicking on Settings>Alerts and then expanding the Security Alerts section.

The next thing to do if you’re a victim of fraud is to freeze your credit or debit cards and get new ones. To do so, contact your card issuer.

Lastly, identify theft reporting. Call the companies in which fraud has taken place, report a fraud alert and get your credit report. Fraud alerts are free and will make it harder for an individual to open a new account under your legal name. You’ll get a letter from each credit bureau, and it will confirm that they have placed a fraud alert on your file. Here are some companies you can use that offer fraud alerts.

Get your free credit report here: or call 1-877-322-8228.


Lastly, remove bogus charges from your accounts, correct your credit report, and/or file a police report if you feel that it’s necessary.